For changemakers:
Gestalte mutig lebendige Zukünfte.
For facilitators:
Lead safely and playfully through transformations.
For companies:
Bring about successful cultural change.
We support you!
Visionautik in a Nutshell

Visionautik is a combination of vision and nautics, the art of navigation.
Visionautics is the art of developing visions and navigating towards them, i.e. turning these visions into reality.
Visionautical support takes the form of seminars, consulting and coaching. It covers all areas relevant to the design and realisation of visionary projects: questioning habitual patterns, developing and testing ideas, encouraging and strengthening the personality, collaboration and co-creation skills and concrete implementation competences such as entrepreneurial skills, project planning or fundraising.

Our vision
Everyone has the right to participate in shaping the world with vigour and joie de vivre. What's more, the pressing social, ecological and economic challenges can no longer be mastered without the joy of creating. Our vision is a world in which everyone can make use of this right and experience the uplifting feeling of "Yes, I can make a difference!"