Boris Goldammer
Boris ist Visionär und Gestalter mit Leib und Seele. Groß und weit denken ist seine Leidenschaft, Architektur, Grafik und Fotografie sein Hintergrund..
Life and background
Boris was already considered a dreamer as a child and has retained this passion to this day. If you need a partner to think big and far, you've come to the right place. As a true Visionaut, Boris does not stop at dreaming: The list of projects already implemented is diverse. Their realization was often associated with steep learning curves in which he reinvented himself again and again.
It is therefore not surprising that transformative learning plays a prominent role in the colorful bouquet of his interests as well as in the Visionautik Academy he founded. He initiated the International Partnership for Transformative Learning (now Transformation Hosts International) and illustrated and edited "A Transformative Edge," a book on transformative learning.
Another cornerstone of Boris' work is aesthetics. He studied painting and architecture, worked for many years as a commercial photographer and illustrator, and gives Visionautik Academy's professional learning materials their beautiful appearance. This website also bears his signature. Even when he manages international research projects with up to ten partner organizations, Boris lovingly transforms the inevitable columns of numbers into sensual graphics, and when he writes EU applications, it's chiseling away at a social sculpture.
After all, the former Student Union Ecology speaker and Greenpeace activist wants to leave a livable world for his two sons and all future beings. Sustainable businesses and lifestyles excite him. With the tango and his ability to dance with circumstances, he brings lightness to the challenges of our time
- Vision and innovation development
- Funding and business models
- Transformative learning
- Innovative educational formats, methods and sensory learning environments, also online
- International project management, especially within the framework of Erasmus+
- Corporate design and corporate identity
Typical questions you can ask
- How can I develop a vision that creates longing and attracts allies?
- And who is going to finance this?
- How can I make transformative learning more likely in my teaching practice / in my team?
- How can I become part of the Hosting Transformation movement?
- How can I support my educational endeavour through Erasmus+?
- How can I give my project, initiative or company a distinctive identity?
- Would you like to dance with me?